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Handel - Rejoice Greatly from the Messiah for Trumpet and Piano
From $27.50 USD - $40.75 USD
Handel - Thou Art the King of Glory for Trumpet, Basso and Piano
From $22.50 USD - $33.25 USD
Handel - Thou Art the King of Glory for Trumpet, Basso and Strings
From $30.00 USD - $44.50 USD
Tchaikovsky - Spanish Dance “Chocolate” from the Nutcracker for Brass Quintet
From $17.50 USD - $25.75 USD
Traditional - Two Easter Fanfares and Descants for Trumpet and Piano or Organ
From $30.00 USD - $44.50 USD
Traditional Christmas - 25 Christmas Carol Favorites for Trumpet Quartet
From $30.00 USD - $44.50 USD
Traditional Christmas - Eight Swinging Carols for Christmas for Trumpet and PIano
From $27.50 USD - $40.75 USD
Showing items 1-8 of 8.