Roger Petrich (b. 1938-2022), a North Dakota native, earned his Bachelor of Music from St. Olaf College (magna cum laude) and his MA & MFA at The University of Iowa, where he studied music history, music theory, composition and organ performance.
Mr. Petrich studied composition with the Pulitzer Prize-winning American composer Leo Sowerby at the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago. He continued his studies with Dr. Sowerby as one of the first Fellows of the College of Church Musicians at Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. Petrich also studied composition with Ernst Pepping at the Berlin School of Church Music in Spandau, Germany and sang as a member of the Spandauer Kantorei under the direction of Helmut Rilling.
Mr. Petrich’s music has been published by Oxford University Press as well as Selah, Concordia, Morningstar, Augsburg and Fortress publishing. The Choral Variations on ‘Ah, Holy Jesus’ has been recorded several times, most notably in “Music from Riverside.” Two of his compositions for trumpet, Sonatina and Prayer and Epilogue, have been recorded by Paul Neebe and featured on the nationally-syndicated radio program “Pipe Dreams.” The recently composed Missa Brevis has been premiered at St Lambertus Basilika, Netherlands.