• Raum - The Secret of Ben Søgen for Trombone and Piano - Cherry Classics Music

Raum - The Secret of Ben Søgen for Trombone and Piano

Composer: Raum

Arranger: Raum

$30.00 USD



Here is a brief description of this very fine new work, The Secret of Ben Søgen for Trombone and Piano by the composer, Elizabeth Raum:

I’ve always been fascinated by the Nordic heroes that appear in comic books and video games like Thor or Odin. Years ago, I wrote a concerto for tuba called The Legend of Heimdall inspired by Scandinavian folklore, and for this new work for trombone, I found myself drawn to the Danish mythical character, Ben Søgen. My concept was to conjure up a video game champion who goes through various adventures to achieve his final quest. However, the Secret of Ben Søgen is that he doesn’t exist. I made him up. My original title was Bone Quest, a pun on the word, trombone, combined with Quest but that didn’t evoke the image I wanted so I decided to create a character from the Danish translation of Bone Quest. Thus Ben Søgen.

The Hero Trombonist has a theme stated in the beginning, and this motif continues through a variety of backgrounds (or adventures) before the final major key of his goal being achieved.

The work is about 7 minutes in length and appropriate for advanced performers.

Free PDF Sample
YouTube video of The Secret of Ben Søgen from an outstanding live performance by Tim Owner and Hyiyoung Choi


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