• Beethoven - The Heavens Are Telling - For Trombone Quartet - Cherry Classics Music

Beethoven - The Heavens Are Telling - For Trombone Quartet

Composer: Beethoven

Arranger: Hanson

$20.00 USD



The Heavens Are Telling is a dramatic transcription of a four part Choral Hymn by Beethoven. The song's lyrics are by Gellert and are a majestic description of nature's declarations of the glory of God. Originally for Solo Voice and Piano, this work has been traditionally sung by men's chorus.

Dr. Hanson's transcription is true to the score and has a wonderful timbre to it. The music is dramatic, bold yet noble in quality and is a great three minute work for a concert in Tenor and Bass Clefs for moderately advanced players. Range goes to a high C on 1st and a low B below the staff in part 4.

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