• Faulise - The In-Line Double Valve Bass Trombone F G-flat D  Daily Warm-up and Valve Exercises, book 2

Faulise - The In-Line Double Valve Bass Trombone F G-flat D Daily Warm-up and Valve Exercises, book 2

Composer: Faulise

Arranger: Faulise

$25.00 USD



Here is how the late great Paul Faulise described his book:

The In-Line Double Valve Bass Trombone F G-flat D Daily Warm-up and Valve Exercises (2008), Book II

This book is basically a sequel to my first book, "The F & D Double Valve Bass Trombone". The exercises in that book were mainly designed for a double valve bass trombone with dedicated F & D valves. The exercises in this book are specifically designed for the in-line double valve bass trombone, pitched in F, G-flat and D, with special focus on the G-flat valve. As in my first book, these exercises are designed to develop valve skill and an intuitive sense of their application using a basic warm-up and maintenance format.

It is not the intent of these exercises to have the instrument played as a valve bass trombone (no slide movement). They are designed to give the player an insight as to possible valve/slide combinations that help to minimize or eliminate awkward slide movements.

All bass trombonists should have this fantastic resource in their library. It is part of the Vintage Brass Library from Cherry Classics and has been brought back to life thanks to the Faulise family, colleagues Sharman King and John Rojak.

There are three method books for the Bass Trombone by Paul Faulise and they will all be available for purchase separately or as a complete collection.

All of the Paul Faulise books may be viewed on this link:

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