• Velazquez - Tres Piezas para trombón solo

Velazquez - Tres Piezas para trombón solo

Composer: Velazquez

Arranger: Velazquez

$25.00 USD



Tres Piezas para trombón solo by Mexican composer Leonardo Velázquez is a 3-movement work for unaccompanied trombone.

Movement 1. Allegro scherando is playful with contrasting loud and soft sections that throw rhythmic curveballs to the listener with the odd 5/8 bar mixed in with 6/8 time.

Movement 2. Andantino quasi lento is a slow lyrical movement

Movement 3. Allegro moderato is sarcastic and march-like with off-balance rhythms including a 2-voice middle section that challenges the performer to convince the listener that there are two lines....a syncopated bass line and upper melody line.

This outstanding work by Velázquez is about 5 1/2 minutes in length, appropriate for advanced performers.

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